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Dancing to Retrieve the Soul

Writer's picture: HayleyHayley

Updated: Jan 23

Since time immemorial, humans have used dance as a technology to expand our consciousness and journey beyond linear time/space to retrieve pieces of our soul that have become fragmented due to traumatic or overwhelming experiences.

Artwork by Josephine Klerks
Artwork by Josephine Klerks

It was a fall afternoon in Mountain Home studio where I studied somatic expressive arts therapy with the late Anna Halprin and Daria Halprin. 

I remember seeing Earth red walls. 

Feeling my bare feet upon a warm wood floor. 

I was deep in a journey of letting the wild song of my body lead.

My eyes went beyond the walls of the dance studio and to the surrounding red wood trees. I sent my voice out to them as if I was calling to someone, or something.

And suddenly a knowing came into my being: I am calling pieces of my soul back to me right now. Silent tears ran down my cheeks as I continued to sound, moved by the moment.

This fleeting realization was so deeply moving to me because I had previously closed the door on spirituality with mistrust and a sense of betrayal.

That door had gently been softening as I slowly re-inhabited my body with life-force energy. It was moments like this one, where from a place of deep embodiment, the invisible winds of mystery seemed to blow open a new door in my consciousness. A realization. A gnosis.

At that time, I had no (conscious) idea what a "soul retrieval" was. But I continued to experience moments like these during deeply embodied trance states, accessed through intuitive movement and sound, where my consciousness zoomed out of my body while simultaneously being deeply rooted within.

There were moments I would get a birds-eye-view of my body, while my inner facilitator coached me to stay with it so I didn't leave my body entirely. These moments always left me with an odd, yet comforting feeling that I'm not alone on my journey.

I began to draw connections to my ancestors, animal and nature guides that were in my dreams, visions and art... wondering if on some unseen level, they were actually with me as I journeyed through the multi-dimensional realms within my body?

As spirit awakened in me, it sparked my curiosity... what was this mystical force I felt moving within me and within nature during my somatic dance journeys?

This question has led me down many paths of exploration, but I always come back to my body as my personal connection to Earth. I'm not one to take your word for it, but when I FEEL it in my blood, bones and soul...I trust it.

Artwork by Josephine Klerks
Artwork by Josephine Klerks

Soul retrievals are practiced by healers, curanderos, shamans around the world. The curanderos of the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs are particularly well known for their soul retrieval work.

To my understanding, it is the process of "journeying" through consciousness to recollect a part of oneself (or another person you are supporting) that fragmented off during a traumatic or overwhelming experience.

Dance has the power to expand our consciousness and bring us into trance states which allow us to "journey" through time and space. We may receive memories, feelings, visions and insights. Indigenous people around the world have known this and practiced this for thousands of years.

More recently, I've brought my attention to learn about my ancient Celtic ancestors, who were deeply spiritual people that worked with a medicine wheel, the four directions, the elements and indeed, soul retrievals. I learned that the Irish-Gaelic word for healing is "leigheas" which also means "retrieval."

As a white woman reclaiming her spirituality and reconnecting to her Indigenous ancestors, there is something reassuring when these intuitive experiences align with the spiritual work of my blood line, though I believe every human has a birth right to retrieve their own soul and be a light for others to as well.

There is one key thing that I’m taking note of as I participate in expansive dance journeys guided by people who remain connected to indigenous teachings vs. a westernized somatic approach: PROTECTION.

Expansive states mean that we are opening ourselves up to energies that are not our own. What energies do you want to be opening up to? What energies do you NOT want to be opening up to?

I encourage you to be intentional. Declare a sacred boundary for your journey, call in your guides and protectors, and give thanks. Your attention and gratitude nurtures your relationship with the unseen forces that you WANT to connect to. Notice how, with practice, this relationship grows and informs your path.

My practices with this began long before anyone instructed me to. But they got lost along the way because many of us westernized minds were conditioned to mistrust our relationship with the unseen. My ancestors were burned alive for their connection to spirit because it was a direct line to a wonderful power. They learned to hide it away, until the world was ready for it again. We are ready.

I give thanks to those who have kept the flame of these spiritual practices alive, especially the Indigenous practitioners who have faced hardship along your path. May you blessed ten thousand fold.

May we continue to dance each other home and rekindle our trust in the mystery, while following the quiet light of our souls.

What is your relationship to spirit like?

Have you experienced a soul retrieval while dancing?

Do you have protective practices before embarking upon a journey of expanded consciousness?

In devotion,


Join us next week Jan 30 + Feb 1 for two FREE Dance Healing workshops: COMING UNDONE. Learn more here.

Dance Healing Training - begins March 28! Learn more here.

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